• Liver is a vital organ which plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body. Liver is also vulnerable to a wide variety of metabolic, toxic, microbial, circulatory and neoplastic insults. The enormous functions of liver some extent masks the clinical impact of early liver damage. When the liver becomes diseased, it may have many serious consequences. Experimental and clinical studies suggest that xenobiotics and co-infections exert cumulative, detrimental effects and deplete antioxidants. Therefore, the changes in micronutrients and their demolishing effects against oxidative stress are factors for viral hepatitis pathogenesis.
• Free radicals (ROS): Oxidative stress is characterized by an increase in the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is associated with nearly all pathological states, especially those involving inflammatory processes. Free radicals (ROS) have been implicated in a number of hepatic pathologies in exacerbating liver diseases. The oxidant production associated with immune reactions against viral hepatitis.
• Essential micronutrients are involved in many metabolic pathways in the liver, such as enzymatic functions and protein synthesis and anti-oxidant defense, immunological competence, interferon therapy response regulations, and alterations of the virus genomes.
Liveril Forte is rationale based supplementation containing vital micronutrients and antioxidants. Major constituents of Liveril Forte are Silymarine, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, N- Acetyl cysteine, L-ornithine, L-glutathione, Co-enzyme Q 10 and vitamin B complex, which have role in chronic liver diseases of different etiology. Various clinical evidences suggest that combination of antioxidants and micronutrients are effective in alleviating liver inflammation and enhancing overall response rate to treatment. Liveril is safe and effective treatment for viral hepatitis.